2019年3月11日 星期一

Credit card

1. Cost much more than other forms of credit, such as a line of credit or a personal loan, if you don't pay on time.
2. Damage your credit rating if your payments are lateThe Nissan LEAF was sold out six months before it was launched. Buyers were required to register online and put down a refundable $99 registration fee to gain the rights to buy the car. Nissan offered the car at a lower price i;
3. Allow you to build up more debt than you can handle; 
4. Have complicated terms and conditions;
What about credit card control?
Handling money and credit cards wisely is a talent few of us are born with. But it is a skill that can easily be learned. The place to start is with budgeting. However, one thing that LEAF owners should know is that quick charging can cause the battery to deteriorate at a faster rate, 

The Nissan LEAF, an acronym for “Leading, Environmentally-Friendly, Affordable, Family”, was released in the US market in December, 2010 and the UK market in February, 2011. It is a 100% family electric car with zero emissions. This 5-door car has an attractive appearance, and it can reach a top speed of 90 mph.Cost much more than other forms of credit



Credit card

1.  Cost much more than other forms of credit, such as a line of credit or a personal loan, if you don't pay on time. 2.  Damage your cr...